We launched a beta version of the new PRC for our Central and Southeastern Pennsylvania region back in December 2023 and have been soliciting feedback from you as we work to expand the site to the other Highmark regions.
The current version of the new PRC is just the starting point. Over the next 12–24 months, providers can expect to see further enhancements and upgrades, including:
The new PRC is a critical part of Highmark's ongoing commitment to offer providers robust digital tools that reduce administrative burden, improve office workflows, and simplify complex transactions.
As part of this initiative, Highmark invested in launching Availity Essentials® last year as its new provider portal for many of its payor-provider transactions.
“The new PRC and the Availity portal are two key investments that are helping to transform the provider experience,” said Blankette. “Our goal is to create a seamless, supportive, end-to-end journey when you work with our health plan.”
As we move closer to the fall launch date, we encourage you to visit the new site at: https://providers.highmark.com and give us your feedback.
Tell us what you like about the new PRC, what works for you, and how can we make improvements by clicking on the Give Feedback icon on the right side of the screen.
All the regional PRCs will remain available until the new site officially launches. The URLs for the regional PRCs will be redirected to the new PRC once the site goes live.